Make Your Child an Eager Reader

Last week, my son came home from school with a Time Life Treasure Seekers Adventure Pass. It was a library card of sorts, given by my son’s school, encouraging my son to read more books. At the back of the card, the instructions stated that once the card has been filled with stamps, my son can claim a surprise gift from his Reading teacher. My son will need to read 15 books to be able to fill up the card.

I was so happy that my son’s school was focusing on getting my kid to read more. In fact, once my son is done with his first card, he can ask for another card. The more he reads, the more surprises or gifts he gets!

What about your child or your child’s school? Would you like to be part of the Eager Readers Club? Any school library or library affiliated with Time Life books can offer this program to children. If your child’s school does not have this activity yet, you may want to suggest to your child’s school to get in touch with Filway Marketing at

The more Eager Readers in our families and schools, the better for our nation.


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