Entries Tagged 'Parenting and Education' ↓

Reading Is All About Confidence

Kids vary in terms of how fast they learn how to read. For some, it may be quite automatic, that some parents are surprised when their kids come home from school one day and just start reading by themselves. In some cases, it may take a little more time and effort on the part of the parent, to teach a particular child to read.

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Eager Reader! at the Ateneo

Summer is fast approaching and am sure parents are on the look-out for activities which will keep their kids occupied during the two- to three-month break. Are you looking for a program that will help your 5 to 6-year old children to read?

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Pass the Book

One of the things that I like about my kids’ schools is how they encourage the children to enjoy reading more. In my son’s school they had what you call a “Pass the Book” project where all kids brought home one book each to read every week. As soon as one was done with the book, he then “passed it on” to the next person and assuming that there are 52 weeks in a year, by the end of the first year, everyone would have already read 52 books.

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Paperback and Audio Book Rental Service in the US

If you are or anyone you know is based in the United States (or if you visit quite often and stay for a relatively long period of time), you may want to check out this service known as www.booksfree.com This service will allow you to read more books without having to buy them or keep them. We all know how books can take up too much space at home.

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When Reading Can Also Distract

It has always been said that teaching your kids to like reading is a good thing. However, there are also times when reading can be a distraction. How?

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Read and Educate Yourself

Quality education these days does not come cheap. It is no wonder then that a lot of children do not get the education that they need or require.

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Munting Saranggola for Kids Aged 3 to 6 years

If you have Saranggola Magazine for older kids, there is also Munting Saranggola for kids aged 3 to 6. If you subscribe to Munting Saranggola, you will get 8 copies a year from July to February. Each issue contains prayers, stories, and activities that your little children will enjoy.

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Saranggola Magazine

They say that the best way to get children to read is to ensure that suitable reading materials are available to them. If you want your children to be avid readers, you can subscribe to magazines which are suitable for their age.

One such magazine is Saranggola which targets children aged 6 to 12 years old. The focus of Saranggola is values education. Each issue of Saranggola features a particular value (e.g. honesty, obedience), with the value being taught through various stories, games, and activities.

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Make Your Child an Eager Reader

Last week, my son came home from school with a Time Life Treasure Seekers Adventure Pass. It was a library card of sorts, given by my son’s school, encouraging my son to read more books. At the back of the card, the instructions stated that once the card has been filled with stamps, my son can claim a surprise gift from his Reading teacher. My son will need to read 15 books to be able to fill up the card.

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Parents, You Must Read Too!

Some parents complain that their kids do not spend enough time reading. They whine that all their kids ever want to do is sit in front of the television or play computer games. As parents, the best way that we can get our children to read is for our kids to see us reading too. How can you expect your kids to like reading if all they see you do is watch the television too?

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